Membership @ The Studio

by We Did It Boys Studios

A monthly (or longer) membership with access to a cozy, curated, shared work & event space in New Paltz, NY. Perfect for creatives who want to commit to human connection, stop working in isolation, meet like-minded collaborators, and exhibit & sell their work.

Individuals or small creative teams who are looking for a dedicated space are invited to apply. The application process is simple, fill out the form to schedule a studio visit below so we can get to know one another.
Membership begins as soon as 4/1/25.

With a Membership @ The Studio you can…

  • Go from being isolated and uninspired to engaging directly with a space and community dedicated to human connection and creativity where you can meet people with similar goals and attitudes

  • Gain flexibility in your schedule by having a place you know you can go work outside of home and have a place to meet clients, students, & creative partners

  • Up-level from feeling like you need to take your creative projects more seriously to being supported and encouraged in a cozy atmosphere

  • Exhibit your work in monthly member shows and have access to all Studio amenities

  • FYI – if you’re a creative who doesn’t need to show or sell their work, consider joining anyway, you’ll be directly supporting local artists and helping strengthen your local communities at a time when it’s needed most

How many times have you spent more than you wanted on food and beverages at a cafe to stay there and do work outside of home?

How many times have you felt bored, isolated, and uninspired while trying to do your creative work, wishing you had a buddy nearby to work with?

Committed creators are more necessary than ever.

Are you ready to challenge the status quo by committing to your creative projects and helping to co-create a space dedicated to joy and imagination?

What people are saying about The Studio:

“I thought it was a great space with a welcoming atmosphere and a vibe that can be as silly or as productive as you need it to be! It felt comfortable and collaborative, like a study session at a friend's house!” – (Audrey B.)

“I work from home and wanted a change of scenery to increase my productivity. Coffee shops tend to be too loud and the obligation to constantly be buying food or coffee while you’re using their space always lingers. The Studio is a super chill spot to get your work done without all of that. It’s generally quiet, with super fast WiFi, a clean bathroom, and plenty of space to spread out with your laptop. It’s not stuffy or snobby. Ally is super cool and often has something playing (quietly) on the projector :) Be sure to check out her art on display around the space!” – (Laura F.)

Imagine knowing you have a dedicated space to work on that project you have no room for in your apartment. Imagine meeting other like-minded creators in an intimate space you can work, relax, and hang out with other creatives. Imagine showing your artwork in a members show, holding that weekly meeting where you do your work, hosting an intimate film screening or lecture in the same place you love to work. Yes that’s right – you’re imagining Membership at The Studio!

“I know personally, living alone and having worked both in the creative sector & local small businesses my whole adult life, I’ve always wanted a place to go outside of my house. I’ve frequented coffee shops, bars, etc. & I’ve spent hundreds of dollars a month on consumption either by A. trying to connect with others or B. escaping mundane reality after an uninspiring and difficult day at my job.

Building this space and concept has refocused me and rededicated me, and I’m looking for people to join in that spirit and help continue this vision.”

Ally Bell, Owner & Operator

More nice gossip about The Studio

“Wediditboys studio has been such a blessing for me. I'm a very easily distracted person so working from home with my cat and all of our toys/crafting options isn't exactly ideal for my productivity. I was able to get so much done at the studio. Co-working really helps me zone into what I need to do. The space is very comfortable with indoor/outdoor seating, plenty of outlets, desk space a plenty, and art/music/people that I could totally get into. Ally, the owner of this community space, is a freaking goddess too. She hooked me up with a charger, checked in on me after hearing an annoying zoom meeting I was on, offered coffee, and was happily doing her own work in the next room which really kept me on track. Not to mention it was completely affordable. I encourage anyone who needs to get out of their cave, socialize, and get work done with other community members to check it out.”
– (Sarah P.)

What’s Included in Membership?

• 24/7 access* to a flexible shared work, exhibit, and event space
• scheduling private studio hours
amenities & materials
• promotion of your work on the We Did It Boys Studios website & social media channels
• opportunities to exhibit work in a Monthly Members Exhibit open to the public
• ability to host events and run classes & workshops open to the public
• an intimate & dedicated creative environment with incredible vibes!!
* excludes scheduled events run by members – though members should feel welcome to attend!

How Does Membership Work?

Due to the intimate nature of the space operated by cryptic caretaker and owner/artist, Ally Bell, the ideal membership amount is around 10 people to ensure the space is never overcrowded. The odds of all members always being around during shared hours is low, so you can expect folks to be coming and going. There is a lockbox outside with a key to access The Studio during all member hours. Member hours are any hours not designated to scheduled events, so that’s most of the time. Members can store their supplies and works in the back storage area. This space relies on mutual trust and respect. All members are expected to keep their paws off what isn’t theirs or what is designated as communal that is provided by The Studio. Intolerance and disrespect will not be tolerated okay!!!! We’ve truly had enough of that!!!! Upon acceptance, you will sign a simple member contract. Monthly members can work on one project for a month or choose to sign up for multiple months to have a more permanent dedicated space. Private sessions can be scheduled on a case by case basis. There will be a calendar members can refer to in order to see if there are events or private sessions scheduled.

Membership Pricing: $275/mo
apply individually or as a small team

!!!! BONUS !!!! get a $75 discount
for a 3 month commitment

Interested in sharing the glory?
1. Fill out the form below
2. Schedule a studio visit
3. Pay membership fee
4. Access starts as early as 4/1/25.

!!!! BONUS #2 !!!!If you sign up before 4/1/25 you’ll get a free
creativity consulting session with the owner & lifelong artist, Ally Bell
(valued at $75 for one hour session)

Studio Features

  • Free parking

  • Main Workspace with beautiful natural light

  • Deck with outdoor seating

  • Storage & Lounge areas

  • Bathroom (duh)

  • Seating for up to 15

  • Large moveable tables for workspaces 

  • High speed internet access & landline 

  • Cryptic caretaker with
    a lantern (

  • Bluetooth speaker

  • TV & video games

  • Amazon fire stick with access to Paramount Plus, or can sign in with own account (sign out when you are done for the day)

  • Digital Projector

  • Musical equipment - small acoustic amp, MIDI controller, & more

  • Visual Art equipment - easel, tripod, brushes, boards, scrap paper, basic drawing materials, etc.

  • Access to Adobe Creative Cloud

  • Basic office supplies & tools

  • Use of mini-fridge and “kitchen” area (more to be upgraded)

  • Cork board for promo

  • Weekly collaborative chalkboard project to be shared on the We Did It Boys channels

  • Slop sink (coming soon)

  • Adjustable track lighting (“adjustable” coming soon)

(all equipment and materials subject to change, but only for the better!!)

This is for you if...

You are involved in a creative field – visual & media arts, music producing, writing, acting, drag, tarot, astrology, marketing, etc. etc. The Studio is more suited towards creatives who work on computers, in notebooks, on an easel / drawing board, or anything that can be relatively self-contained. 

This is NOT you for if you’re using materials that need lots of rinsing or ventilation like heavy paints or clay as the facilities do not have proper accommodations. This is also not for you if you intend to take meetings during shared hours, you may schedule private hours if meetings are part of your work flow.

WHO IS SHE??? I’m Ally Bell, the creator & owner of The Studio by We Did It Boys Studios. I also perform as DJ Skeeter. I’ve been lucky enough to be immersed in the arts for my entire life & have been a weirdo art kid since my child & teen wolf years. I studied art at SUNY New Paltz (go Hawks) where I received in a BFA in Graphic Design. I’ve exclusively worked for small businesses. Most recently, I spent 7 years working at Unison Arts as the Director of Design & Marketing, then Director of Operations. I’m a silly magical imp who is easy to work with and loves to meet wacky people. I <3 TV and jokes and raw nonsense. Read more about me & WDIB here.

To apply, fill out the form below.
The application process is simple, just a short “get-to-know-you” moment to
make sure it’s a good fit as this is an intimate and intentional space.
If you are drawn to apply, it likely will be a good fit!
When your response is received we will schedule a visit and get started!